Support our Costs

When you become a charity supporter, YOU decide exactly where your money goes. You might want to offset the cost of running our market stall, put it towards our major events or help with marketing or postage costs. The choice is YOURS. We are grateful for your generosity in whatever area feels right for you.

Future Hope is run entirely by volunteers which means our costs are low… but we still have costs! All the money we raise through our child sponsorship programs goes directly to supporting the children in Thailand and Uganda – 100% of it. The same applies to the money we raise specifically for Jet Trek – every cent goes to Variety – the Children’s Charity in Queensland.

This is quite rare for a charity to give 100% of the sponsorship to the child or program. Most will take out their running costs and the rest gets donated. Not with Future Hope. We do separate fundraising to cover our running costs such as our monthly sausage sizzles and market stall where we sell Sno Cones and beautiful items brought back from Thailand and Uganda.

We are so fortunate to have our sausage sizzles partly sponsored by Harvey Norman and Fair Dinkum Meats whose ongoing support is incredible!

The bottom line is – the more we can cover our costs, the more children we can help.

If you can help offset some of these with either a one-off donation or regular support, we would be most grateful. Even just a little will go such a long way.  We do our best to keep costs low, but they are necessary. For example, you could help by committing to buy sugar or cups and spoons, so we can keep making our Sno Cones. We have printing, stationery, postage, phone and internet costs as well as market stall fees and insurance. The more we can cover these costs, the more we can give to the children.

As well, our founder Tamara still works part time to support herself and her family. Two generous sponsors are kindly making ongoing Specified Donations so she can dedicate one day a week to the work of Future Hope. If you have the capacity to do the same and sponsor Tamara for another day, or even an hour a week, your contribution will go such a long way. If Tamara can dedicate more of her time to growing Future Hope and helping the children and families she so passionately cares about, who knows what is possible? And what if more of our amazing volunteers could be sponsored for a day here and there to devote solely to the work of Future Hope?  How many more children could be helped?

Make a difference to children in need
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