Support a Child – Uganda

By sponsoring a child you directly contribute to supporting their dreams. More sponsors = more dreams. Simple!

In Uganda your monthly sponsorship provides breakfast for children attending New Seasons Nursery and Primary School which is in a slum on the edge of Kampala. For only $1.10 – less than the cost of a postage stamp – you can fill a child’s belly and keep them focused in class.  

Because we believe every child matters your sponsorship gets shared to over 100 children in the breakfast program. Rather than say to some children “You can have breakfast every day because you have a sponsor” and to others “You can’t have breakfast because you don’t have a sponsor yet” we choose to share the support across all of them and feed every child as often as we can.

Contact us and we will work with you directly to set up your sponsorship. Until we are fully set up we don’t have all their beautiful smiling faces here on our website, so we will work directly with you to help you find a child that needs your support. In the future this process will be automated. And besides, it will be nice to meet you and say a very big Thank You!

When you become a child sponsor please help us spread the word. If every sponsor told just one person who also sponsored a child, we would instantly double our impact!  Imagine the difference that would make! Bring a friend, double your impact.

Nateete is a slum on the south western edge of Kampala, the capital and largest city of Uganda.  Since 2018, Future Hope, through Bridge Christian Ministries (BCM) has been providing a breakfast program for the children living in this slum. These children attend New Seasons Nursery and Primary School which was started by BCM founder Haggai Mwesige.

Extreme poverty has led to incredible problems. Children have been abandoned by parents who can’t afford to feed them. Many have to fetch water for money, sell scraps from the garbage or hawk food to get the money needed just to survive. Sadly, many are exploited or forced into child labour.

As a result of illiteracy and desperation, parents send young daughters into early marriages or prostitution at an alarmingly young age. High unemployment in the slums results in criminal activity that puts vulnerable children in danger of prostitution, child trafficking and human sacrifice. 

BCM is working hard to overcome these problems and their effects. One of their projects is a school that provides free education to all children in the slums of Nateete. Employment opportunities have been created through the school, the church and the support of small-scale enterprise. 

The children in Future Hope’s breakfast program attend New Seasons Nursery and Primary School where their education has been long supported by Droplets in a Stream, a Brisbane-based charity.  Future Hope’s breakfast program was created to support these children as they study as many of them were leaving class to try and find food.  

If Uganda speaks to your heart, sponsoring one (or more) of these gorgeous children means we can feed every child more often. Will you join our sponsorship family?

Learn more about Bridge Christian Ministries and the impact they are making in their community.

“It has been a blessing to faithfully receive the support from Future Hope for New Seasons Nursery School in Kampala, Uganda. The breakfast program enables the children to settle in class and concentrate on learning which was never the case before. Most are from underprivileged families with the majority coming to school without breakfast or a packed lunch. The scholastic material provided also improves the children’s education, and it would have been a challenge without these books.  We are grateful for the support of Future Hope.” Haggai Mwesige – Bridge Christian Ministries

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